Friday, December 13, 2013

Exam Study Day 2

         We went over the study guide. We talked about how Mr. Schick had a horrible experience. We went over the different things that will be on the test. and what we will have to know for the essay. The study guide is located on Mr. Schicks blog. We talked about all the old stuff we learned about. Mr. Schick told us that we need to know the quote "the unexamined life is not worth living" -Socrates. Which means that if you aren't asking questions, and learning then what is your use. Nothing is the answer you are nothing but compared to a dog. You are wasting your talents. You should all go above and beyond your limits, due to the lack of technology, and other things that are changing this world so rapidly like the video "Shift Happens" showed us.  There will be multi-paragraphs, and there will be a paragraph or 2 on each section. (The sections are located on Mr. Schicks blog.) We need to know all the definitions that we have learned from the beginning of the year. It would be smart if I went over all my old tests, and notes, and blog posts. Or even go on Mr. Schicks old blog.

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