Thursday, January 16, 2014

Final Day before test.

        Jared Diamond is a biologist, and professor of UCLA. He really enjoys watching birds. He travels to a place called New Guinea, often. He talked about ancient civilization and grainarys- is a place to store grain. A drah is possibly the first permanent village. Mesopotamia -> Egypt -> India -> China -> America. Any animals that were over 100 pounds and could reproduce in their early life were a boost to civilization. The 14 animals that were considered under these guidelines were:

  • Goats 
  • Sheep
  • Pigs 
  • Calves 
  • horses
  • donkeys
  • 2 different types of camels
  • llamas 
  • water buffalo
  • reindeer
  • mithans 
  • cattle
13 of which that were located in Egypt, North America, and Africa. 3 of the "farm animals located in Middle East. None of which originated in New Guinea. All the other civilizations had a "head start." New Guineans still live like ancient civilizations did at one point. They eat a tree, called Sagu, use the earth as a home, and don't have the use of technology. They call all of our stuff "cargo." Cargo is all the material goods that the other countries have. Different crops can't grow in different climates or different degrees. Animals and Wheat caused the uprise in civilization.  

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