Thursday, January 16, 2014

Final Day before test.

        Jared Diamond is a biologist, and professor of UCLA. He really enjoys watching birds. He travels to a place called New Guinea, often. He talked about ancient civilization and grainarys- is a place to store grain. A drah is possibly the first permanent village. Mesopotamia -> Egypt -> India -> China -> America. Any animals that were over 100 pounds and could reproduce in their early life were a boost to civilization. The 14 animals that were considered under these guidelines were:

  • Goats 
  • Sheep
  • Pigs 
  • Calves 
  • horses
  • donkeys
  • 2 different types of camels
  • llamas 
  • water buffalo
  • reindeer
  • mithans 
  • cattle
13 of which that were located in Egypt, North America, and Africa. 3 of the "farm animals located in Middle East. None of which originated in New Guinea. All the other civilizations had a "head start." New Guineans still live like ancient civilizations did at one point. They eat a tree, called Sagu, use the earth as a home, and don't have the use of technology. They call all of our stuff "cargo." Cargo is all the material goods that the other countries have. Different crops can't grow in different climates or different degrees. Animals and Wheat caused the uprise in civilization.  

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


We continued the movie and took more notes. John Diamond traveled to New Guinea where the people there live like the olden days. We talked about how in ancient civilization Asia grew rice, America grows corn, squash, and beans, and Africa grows sorghum,and, yams.We talked about all the animals all the other civilizations had, and how New Guinea had none of those. Also, the best type of animal to have was one that could reproduce within 3 years.  

beginning and a summary.....

We started a movie, about Jared Diamond, a birdwatching biologist, who also a professor at UCLA. The movie was called Guns, Germs and Steel. People back then thought power was due to race. All great civilizations have had an advanced technology, large populations, and well organized work force. People didn't stay in Mesopotamia because it got way to dry, and they needed to move on. A good domesticate plant has to be easy to grow, able to be stored, and nutritious.

Monday, January 13, 2014


Today we went over more about the powerpoint about urban civiliztion. We went over more about B.C and the greek and romans and their empires and pictures of the agora and acropolis'. I found this very interesting about the roads of migration. I thought about ever walking the road of migration and relaized how long that would take. Today was an over all good class period.

Friday, January 10, 2014


It's finally friday, AND WE HAD A 2 HOURE DELAY!!!  Today we talked more about Urban Revolution. We went over the second revolution. We talked about how The Greeks ruled majority of the empire yesterday. Today we brushed over more in the topic of the steel mills. We talked about Bethlehem steel. It was pretty cool because I live by there.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

After a long break....

After a long break, and 2, 2 hour delays and one off day. We finally had class. We went over a power point about Urban Geography. We went over definitions such as rural, urban, political and more. It was a long break and I am sad to have it come to an end so quickly.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Exam Study Day 2

         We went over the study guide. We talked about how Mr. Schick had a horrible experience. We went over the different things that will be on the test. and what we will have to know for the essay. The study guide is located on Mr. Schicks blog. We talked about all the old stuff we learned about. Mr. Schick told us that we need to know the quote "the unexamined life is not worth living" -Socrates. Which means that if you aren't asking questions, and learning then what is your use. Nothing is the answer you are nothing but compared to a dog. You are wasting your talents. You should all go above and beyond your limits, due to the lack of technology, and other things that are changing this world so rapidly like the video "Shift Happens" showed us.  There will be multi-paragraphs, and there will be a paragraph or 2 on each section. (The sections are located on Mr. Schicks blog.) We need to know all the definitions that we have learned from the beginning of the year. It would be smart if I went over all my old tests, and notes, and blog posts. Or even go on Mr. Schicks old blog.