Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Cultural Characteristics

Cultural Characteristics- parts of a groups everyday life, the ideas and themes which the group will teach to all members, these characteristics can also link or divide the world. Examples of Cultural Characteristics, language, religion, and ethnic background. Language: Arabic unites the Arab world, Spanish untes the Hispanic world, Brazil is the only South American country to speak portuguese, and Canada is a bilingual nation. Religion: five major religions; -Hinduism -Buddhism -Judaism -Christianity and -Islam. And finally, Ethnic Background: In Yogo, many ethnic groups were made into one country, when strong leadership died out, different groups throughout the nation fought a civil war, U.S. and Swiss merged peacefully, Korea and Japan are one ethnic group. Jewish people are considered sons/descendants of Abraham. Shiites, Soonis.Religion can be dividing force around the world.

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