Wednesday, October 2, 2013

God Grew Tired of Us...

            For the last two days we have been watching a documentary on 3 guys that were born and raised in Sudan. The suddenly were uprooted from their homelands and forced out of the state to Kenya. Where Kenya founded a refugee camp for the "lost boys" boys of Sudan to live. A couple young men received the opportunity to move to the U.S. to live and work. We follow only 3 of them: John Bul, Panter and Daniel. Both Daniel and Panther went to Syracuse where they were given an apartment, food, and an opportunity to get a job. John Bul decided that he would like to live in Pittsburgh, PA. John Bul was given the same things, just in a different city. They are just now finally settling and getting their social security numbers and about to start their mission to hold their own and work for a living.

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