Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Religions (10/30-31)

  • there are about 2.8 billion Christians in the world
  • 1/3 of the worlds population
  • as the population of the world grows so does the the amount of Christians
  • Jesus is the son of god
  • believe the word of the bible
  • emerged in the mid first century
  • lutherans, methodists, baptists, Anglicans, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, and many more
  • 41 thousand different denominations
  • founder: Jesus Christ 

  • Buddhism; different teachings, beliefs and practices
  • Siddartha Guatama = Buddha, "the awakened one" 
  • 6% of the worlds population is Buddhist
  • Countries: China, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, and Myanmar  
  • one of the oldest practice today
  • Buddhism is more a practice than a religion
  • Influences a lot of Asian countries 
  • You can believe in other religions that just buddhism 
  • Over a million Buddhist in the U.S.
  • A buddha is a person who is free from all faults and mental obstructions 
  • 500 million to 1.5 billion (estimates and varies)
  • Denominations: Tibetan, Zen, Theravada, Amidist 

  • Synagogue - church
  • 5 million jews in U.S
  • 5 million jews in Israel 
  • Jewish star, Hanukkah 
  • Abraham and Moses 
  • 13 million in the entire world
  • Moses main teacher of Judaism
  • Moses - 10 Commandments
  • Israel, North/South America, Europe, and Asia

  • 1 billion, 14 % of worlds population
  • Indian and Asian countries 
  • large number of gods who are worshiped as murtis
  • worship in a home, temple or at a road/street shrine
  • Most hindu houses have a small shrine inside of their house
  • formed in 2000 B.C 
  • found in India
  • There deity is Polytheistic
  • belive in new body after death, different life 

  • Founder Muhammad
  • fast from sunset to sunrise for a month
  • pilgrimage at least once
  • Allah
  • Muslims see their purpose in life as serving and submitting to Allah
  • Monotheistic
  • Qua'ran 

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