Thursday, October 10, 2013


- Population pyramids- graphical illustration that is giving information about the population broken down into age and sex -> male/left-female/right
- Immigrant- someone entering the country
- Emigrant- someone leaving the country
- Some pull forces would include the fact that one country has better healthcare, better economy, religious freedom, etc...
- Women tend to live longer due to eat healthier, not built strong enough to do heavy duty, hard working jobs, not as dangerous work, and tend to go to the doctors and stay up to date with their health.
-Rate of national increase- The birth rate -(minus) death rate
- 2.1 children for population to stay the same
- current population- 7+ billion people
- increasing 77 million people per year
-145 people are born per minute
- 90% of the population growth takes place in developing countries
- Globalization- is the connection of different parts of the world. Globalization results in expansion of international cultural, economic and political activities.

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